Crédits photo
- Office de Tourisme de Melun Val de Seine
- Ville de Melun Val de Seine
- Julien Meneret
- Didier Paris
- Collectif Images
- Alticlic
- Pascal Gaël
- Jérome Mignon
- Michel d’Anastasio
- Frederic Miel
- Sophie Loyd
- Thierry Benne
La Crêperie de la place, as it is called, offers its Breton specialities, crêpes and galettes.
You can try all sorts of Breton, Savoyard, American and vegetarian galettes. But also tartiflette, salads and sweet crêpes.
The house speciality is the galette briarde, made with real Brie from Melun.
Every day throughout the year between 12 pm and 10 pm.
Closed on Sunday.